July 30, 2013
Xanga Love!
I never planned any type of "last post", but this I guess might be my "last" one, at least on Xanga 1.0. I'm still hopeful for xanga 2.0 and I will NOT give up that hope!
But I do want to say that It's been a great 9 years here. I've met some of the most amazing people, who have been a god send to me, I swear. Many of you have listened to me rant about the same stuff over and over and you're still not sick of me
. We've laughed and joked and cried and been there for each other! I could always come here. when stuff was tough at home, I could just hop on xanga and get it out!
In the last year and a half, I've kind of... "blossomed" in my photography hobby. I have LOVED coming here to share that, because you guys have always been supportive and cared. It was not the same sharing them any place else.
"There is no place like home". This was a great home for 9 years. I only hope it continues in some way!
Thanks for all the xanga love! I will always have love for xanga.
Much love to all you awesome xangans.
Comments (11)
Woo Hoo! I was first!!
LOL, dang Donkey!!!Much love to you Megan.
I love you.
This has been a great place to show photos and to get good feedback that has helped improve skills. That's why I joined Xanga, and it has been immensely helpful. Hope it will continue!
You can hang out with me anytime. Just between you , me, donkey, the fence post and traintracks.... Your the best!
I hope Xanga 2.0 is here but if not I'll see you on WP and fb.
Meeting people like you made Xanga so worth it. I'm glad I'll see you on Facebook, but I'm sad to see Xanga go.
I guess you are not yet aware that Xanga Team Leader John posted overnight that he was kicking in $10,000.00 and then more donations poured in today, July 31st and his ten grand plus nearly $51,000.00 plus has reached the $60,000 dollar goal and Xanga.com lives on soon to be on Xanga 2.0 on it's new web host, WordPress.Don't believe me? Go here: https://xanga.crowdhoster.com/relaunch-xangaXanga LIves!Peter
Stopped by to say hi.
My sentiments, EXACTLY!